- Inspire Synergy
Bishop J.B. Masinde is a husband to one, a father to many, and a teacher of the inalienable Word of God to the nations. A tireless champion for godly marriage and the family, he speaks to real life from the pulpit and other platforms. He is the senior pastor at Deliverance Church Umoja, the General Secretary of Deliverance Church International and a member of the Apostolic Council. An exceptional interpreter, he has shared the pulpit with Joe Kayo, Morris Cerullo, Reinhard Bonnke and Benny Hinn. He has also served on the board of various organizations including the Bible Society of Kenya, Life Ministry and the International Leadership University (formerly NIST).
After more than 45 years of ministry, Bishop J. B. and his wife Persiah continue travelling the world to preach the gospel. They are part of the Salt and Light International, a group of churches that offers support to one another in strengthening the five-fold ministry, especially the apostolic and prophetic, as the basis of strong local churches. Through the apostolic anointing on his life, Bishop is received pastorally by churches and apostolically by pastors, helping to bring his sons into their destiny through mentorship, positive influence and blessing.
With about nine thousand members today, Deliverance Church Umoja is at heart a family church. Its strong ministries are active in community-based outreach, evangelism and church-planting. From its inception 36 years ago, the church has been an apostolic base where the gospel is preached, sound instruction is given and the saints are equipped to step out and do the work of the ministry in the market place and full time ministry.
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